Candidates on the record

Toronto-Danforth candidates, 2014 has interviewed the major candidates in Toronto-Danforth for the 2014 provincial elections. Rachel’s answers are reproduced here:

1) Tell us about one local issue that you plan to champion as MPP.

Education. Our system requires an overhaul and update. I believe we need to merge the school systems in order to save money and decrease class sizes. This will also allow us to dedicate more staff to aiding special needs children and focus on breakfast programs and sport facilitation. The curriculum itself needs to include more real-world applications as well, to better prepare students for life after primary and secondary school.

2) What will you do to improve transit for your constituents?

I believe in implementing taxes/tolls for those using our roads and highways. Why should Toronto taxpayers be left to foot the bill alone for the damage, accidents, congestion and pollution caused by routine commuters. This will also encourage commuters to seek out public transportation and/or alternative modes of transportation. I would like to see some of this money invested back into more and improved dedicated bike lanes.

3) What will you do to make child care more affordable in Toronto-Danforth and across Ontario?

By empowering the business owner, you empower the employees. The Green Party is already proposing to double the Employer Health Tax exemption, allowing employers to hire more, while saving taxes on wages. I would recommend we push this notion, giving incentive to business owners to provide child-care options. Allowing more parents the ability to work and provide reliable care for their families.

4) Tell us about your background and qualifications.

I am a marketing specialist and avid animal and environmental rights activist. I currently run my own successful communications agency, I teach part time at Centennial College, and volunteer for a large number of community-based green initiatives and national animal rights campaigns.

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