Coal climate showdown in Bangladesh: sign the petition

Within days, a man-made environmental catastrophe could be initiated in one of the most environmentally fragile countries on earth: a massive coal mine in Bangledesh is poised for approval despite a years-long protest movement to stop it.

Bangladesh is ground zero for climate change. No large nation is at greater risk. Most of the population lives in desperate poverty, exposed to rising seas, flooding, and erosion that devastates crops and villages. This mine would be a double threat: the coal it unearths would fuel climate change, and the process of mining would destroy farms and forests that protect people from warming’s effects.

This coal mine has become a key test of the global movement to prevent climate catastrophe: it’s a coal climate showdown. International investors are pouring huge resources into lobbying for the mine’s approval, and local citizens have appealed for international help. Only global people power can super-charge the local protesters’ efforts to stop the mine before the bulldozers roll in.

Sign the petition here, and partners will deliver it to Bangladesh’s prime minister once it reaches 300,000 signatures.

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