How about a Garage Sale next weekend?

If anyone has walked by my house today they would have seen the Garage sale.

Things dont always turn out the way you want when family intervenes….

We plan to continue on Sunday, noon and on, tonnes of good stuff and tonnes of free stuff.

Feel free to drop off donations too.


4 responses to “How about a Garage Sale next weekend?”

  1. Barbora writes:

    it seems that the other slovak family will not be available next weekend.. but i would definitely like to participate in the garage sale, i’ve started gathering stuff and have a big box in my room that i want to get rid of. . and we plan on throwing in a barbecue.

    i was also thinking that we can collect things like plastic bags and then bring them to the city councillor environmental day, i believe there is one on the 28th, or there will be one the weekend after that at some part in the city. maybe a challenge, for everyone to collect all the plastic bags they use in the week proceeding the garage sale, and we can count what that comes to per person.

  2. Elena writes:

    okay so it looks like it might rain next weekend, so I can wait another week.
    If anyone wants to get rid of some of their stuff feel free to drop it at my house whenever i a box or bag, just put a note regarding what you want done with it. ( Price, etc)
    I plan to sell everything for a dollar or free. So if you’re dropping something off please be prepared to part with it under those terms.
    We could do a BBQ at the same time and just hang out and chat.

  3. Adriana Mugnatto-Hamu writes:

    I recommend that everyone go out to the Green Living Show this weekend. Then we can pitch in a bunch of stuff to your garage sale the following weekend. I might just want that barbecue.

  4. Elena writes:

    Yes, sounds good!
    I went to the Green Living Show and recommend everyone goes.
    Which day works better for everyone next weekend, Saturday or Sunday? What time?

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