Where we stand — message from Green Party of Canada leader Jim Harris
In the 2004 federal election, the Green Party of Canada changed the face of Canadian politics. For the first time, Canadians were introduced to the Green Party’s way of doing politics. Defying expectations, we fielded a full slate of 308 candidates and made certain that every Canadian had an opportunity to cast a vote for social progress, environmental sustainability, and governmental accountability. And a record number of Canadians, almost 600,000, joined with us in that vision.
You’ll discover in this election campaign that the Green Party, unlike other political parties, is uniquely placed to defend the Canada that we cherish, a Canada that is built on compassion, integrity and accountability. The Green Party can restore Canadian values of fairness, equality and justice needed to bridge the growing gap between government and citizens, and between businesses and the communities in which they operate. And only the Green Party will protect our natural heritage as the foundation of a healthy society.
In this election, our message is simple.
- We can have a government that is truly accountable to Canadians, by renewing our democratic institutions to bring integrity back to public office.
- We can have a Canada that protects our air, soil and water while developing a strong, sustainable economy.
- We can move beyond our basic Kyoto commitments to make Canada a world leader in combating climate change.
- We can have a Canada that works for all communities, by honouring First Nation rights to self-government, Quebec’s rightful place in our federation, and the promise that new Canadians bring to our communities from coast to coast to coast. The Green Party’s Canada is inclusive and progressive, where our values of diversity, tolerance and compassion ensure that no one is left behind.
Together, we can meet these challenges. Unlike other political parties more concerned with short-term political survival, the Green Party’s first priority is the world we will leave for our children and grandchildren.
Not only do we look to improve quality of life for this generation, the Green Party also has the courage to look further, to where we want to be as a country for generations to come. In fact, no other party in Canada brings this type of far-sighted approach to policy. The Green Party is the only political party that is beholden solely to the interests of each and every Canadian — today and in the future.
Our platform stresses accountability — for elected officials, corporate leaders and Canadian citizens alike.
Our environmental policies promise long-term sustainability and international leadership. We focus not just on health care, but on health, maintaining health, and preventing illness. Our social programs focus on comprehensive approaches and equal access for all Canadians. Our fiscal plan seeks to achieve these results in a prudent and balanced manner. Our foreign policies focus on peace and fair trade.
I have been involved with the Green Party for 17 years and today I am proud of our party’s ability to provide you with a real alternative to the old ways of doing things.
Please join with the hundreds of thousands of Canadians like yourself who, in this election, will help elect Green Party MPs to Parliament.
Because together, we can.
Jim Harris
Green Party of Canada
[The Green Party Vision was published as an appendix to this letter.]
— Charlie Halpern-Hamu on 2006 Jan 1 in Ecology & sustainability, Elections, Participatory democracy, Social justice & diversity |