2009 Oct 20: Climate justice tour

Bollywood star Rahul Bose and Solomon Island youth Christina Ora are on a climate justice tour. They will be speaking on five different days, from October 15 to 20, in the Toronto area. Their full schedule is on their blog. The event closest to our riding is at U of T.
Rahul Bose and Christina Ora
Tuesday, 2009 October 20, 7 pm – 9 pm
East Common Room, Hart House
7 Hart House Circle, University of Toronto
Solomon Island teenager and award winning public speaker, Christina Ora along with Rahul Bose, Bollywood Star, former Indian Rugby Player and Oxfam Ambassador are coming to Canada to let us know how important our voices are in the fight against climate change. They are traveling to Canada to tour around Toronto and Vancouver to speak to the public, key leaders, and the media about climate change’s impact on South Asia and island nations.
Many island nations and large parts of South Asia are highly vulnerable to climate change. Rising sea levels are threatening drinking water and food production on many small island states. In South Asia, Himalayan glacier melt due to climate change is currently causing mass flooding; and at the current rate of melt the glaciers will be reduced in size by 80% in 30 years. These glaciers provide the drinking and irrigation water to 1/6th of humanity, mainly in South Asia and parts of China. When it comes to climate change, these nations are the symbolic canary in the mineshaft.
Rahul and Christina will also speak about Canadian Government’s weak position on climate change, and what we in Canada can do to take action and move Canada from environmental laggard to environmental leader.
— Charlie Halpern-Hamu on 2009 Oct 1 in Ecology & sustainability, Green paperclip |