Day 8: Getting into the swing

We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors: we borrow it from our children.

I am inspired by the visionaries who populate the Green Party and the hope and the fear that drives us all.  But getting anything done about it requires simple hard work.  And that’s what this campaign is all about.  Hard work by dedicated people making careful steps for the better.

Our signs are now in and starting to pop up on lawns.  Many thanks to Doug, Rose, Thomas and Matt.  I was handing out cards at Carrot Common and then canvassing two polls today.  Our first run of flyers has been picked up and on Monday people should start seeing it in their mailboxes.

I am thrilled to be a part of this movement for wise and careful use of our resources, for the health of our communities, for an economy that can continue to serve our children when we go, and for a solid democracy where people can feel heard and respected.

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