Archive for News

Launch of our campaign website

Have you seen our campaign website? We’re excited to launch a new website to elect Marcelo Levy in the 2022 Provincial Election.

Check it out to learn more about Marcelo and get involved in the campaign!

Link to the campaign website for the Green Party of Ontario Toronto-Danforth candidate, Marcelo Levy


2022 Provincial Candidate: Marcelo Levy

Marcelo LevyMarcelo Levy is stepping up to tackle the climate crisis while ensuring economic growth and access to social programs for the residents of Toronto—Danforth.

Born in Argentina, Marcelo immigrated to Canada in 1989. Upon his arrival, he began working as a public servant with the Ministry of Natural Resources, which introduced him to environmental activist efforts and inspired him to pursue a Master’s in Environmental Studies at York University. He currently works as a consultant, specializing in ecological compliance in forestry and natural resources, forest biomass and bio-energy, and carbon sequestration and carbon footprint projects. He regularly engages in multi-stakeholder processes involving public and indigenous consultations.     Read more »

Discovering the identity of our 2015 Conservative candidate

Tim Dutaud, the UniCallerTim Dutaud, the Conservative ex-candidate, dropped out shortly after people figured out who he was. The important take-away here is this: If you are concerned about stopping Harper, there has never been a danger in this riding of electing a Conservative.

This continues a long tradition of the Conservative candidate being a non-issue in Toronto-Danforth. Katarina von Koenig, for example, remained a woman of mystery throughout the 2011 election. Andrew Keyes, to his credit, took being a candidate seriously in 2012, at least until Conservative HQ apparently told him to stop participating in debates.

Democracy in action

From the Toronto Star:

Tory candidates told to avoid debates, media during campaign

Conservatives running in the federal election have been advised not to attend all-candidates’ meetings or speak to reporters during the campaign, a party source says.

Proposal: Allow notice by email, phone

At this year’s AGM, we’ll vote on any changes to our local constitution. I propose the following two amendments:

Proposed amendment 2014-1: Amend ¶11 of the constitution as follows:

11. The Executive must set the date for the nomination meeting. The Executive shall provide notice to all members of the EDA by regular mail, postmarked no later than 30 days prior to the nomination meeting.

Proposed amendment 2014-2: Amend ¶15 of the constitution as follows:

15. This constitution may be amended by a 75% vote of approval with at least 10% of the members present at a general meeting, except that no change may be considered by the meeting unless notice of the change proposed has been given to the members by regular mail postmarked at least 2 weeks prior to the date of the general meeting.