2006 Oct 25: Dr. Al Bartlett talks about exponential growth

This is a Toronto Peak Oil Meetup event. These events are organized by Post Carbon Toronto, and address the problems of oil reliance from an economic perspective, given that we’re about to reach the point where supply can no longer meet demand. The meetups are followed by socializing at a local eatery, often the Cafe Frappe.
Dr. Al Bartlett discusses the folly and consequences of exponential growth
2006 October 25 at 6:45pm (until we get kicked out of the Cafe Frappe)
Frankland Community Centre, 816 Logan Ave,
2nd floor, community room C. PWYC.
Please RSVP.
A green paperclip event.
— Adriana Mugnatto-Hamu on 2006 Oct 20 in Ecology & sustainability, Green paperclip |