Four strong green women

Hear about the Green Party’s future from the women who’ll help shape it!
There will be an opportunity to mix and meet our honoured guests and you’ll have the opportunity to choose and own one of the books by our distinguished authors.
You will also have the chance to schmooze with other well-known personalities and enjoy a buffet reception.
Speakers and host
- Elizabeth May, Green Party Leader and author of Losing Confidence: Power, Politics, and the Crisis in Canadian Democracy
- Adriane Carr, Deputy Leader of the Green Party of Canada and former Leader of the BC Green Party
- Alanna Mitchell, riding resident, journalist and author of Sea Sick: The Global Ocean in Crisis
- Hosted by Adriana Mugnatto-Hamu, Toronto-Danforth nominated candidate for the next federal election
- 6:30 — Registration and mingling
- 7:30 — Buffet reception
- 8:00 — Guest speakers
- 9:30 — Book signing
- Local (Ontario) sourced
- Some items will be organic
Buffet reception and fundraiser
Whistler’s Grille & The McNeil Room
Monday, 2009 August 17, 6:30 pm – 10 pm
995 Broadview Ave (at Mortimer / Pottery Rd)
A short walk or bus ride north from Broadview TTC Station.
$75 at the door.
— Bob Cook on 2009 Jul 30 in Elections, Fun, Green paperclip, Photos, Shameless fawning |
Thank-you to everyone.
The happy connection to Four Strong Women was either accidental or unconscious on the part of the event organizing team.