2011 Jan 20: Report on Cancún

Adriana will be one of the speakers reporting back from the UN climate change negotiations in Cancún.
Cancún: Eyewitness Report and Discussion
Thursday, 2011 January 20, 7 pm
Steelworkers Hall, 25 Cecil Street
(east of Spadina, south of College)
- Andrea Harden — Energy Campaigner, Council of Canadians.
- Adriana Mugnatto-Hamu — JustEarth, Toronto Climate Campaign, Post Carbon Toronto.
- John Dillon — Economic Justice Program Coordinator, KAIROS.
- Pablo Solón — Bolivia’s UN Ambassador.
- Gerry LeBlanc — USW Injured Workers’ program.
- Daniel T’seleie — Canadian Youth Delegation to COP16.
- Footage of Cancún protests.
- Dorothy McDougall — Ecological Justice Program Coordinator, KAIROS.
Over 190 countries, developed and developing, met late 2010 at COP16 in Cancún to come up with an agreement to respond to the world climate crisis. Come and listen to the reports of Canadian experts who went there to protest or to witness the negotiations. Vigorous protests inside and outside the conference spoke for the world’s peoples in our struggle for climate justice.
Co-organizers: Toronto Climate Campaign; Council of Canadians (Toronto Chapter); Toronto Bolivia Solidarity
— Charlie Halpern-Hamu on 2011 Jan 17 in Ecology & sustainability, Green paperclip |