2008 Aug 20: The Price of Carbon

Wednesday, 2008 August 20, 7 pm
Ralph Thornton Centre
765 Queen St East (east of Broadview)
Just Earth invites you to a community forum examining the link between climate change and the cost of fossil fuels.
Featured speakers:
- Peter Victor, Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University, presenting Carbon Taxes First
- Adriana Mugnatto-Hamu, environmentalist, presenting Paying the Price for Carbon
- Peter Tabuns, MPP, Toronto-Danforth [also, as it turns out, Andrew Lang and Sharon Howarth in the audience and discussion – ed]
Moderator: Lynn McDonald, former MP; founder, Just Earth
- What changes do we need to make to fight global warming?
- What role can a carbon tax play?
- How can we take our concerns to the politicians?
For more information, contact info@justearth.net
— Adriana Mugnatto-Hamu on 2008 Aug 10 in Ecology & sustainability, Green paperclip |
Here’s the letter Adriana received today from Jack Layton’s office clarifying the NDP plan:
hi,sorry i missed the price of carbon forum…after reading the above letter from mr layton i feel that there is some misunderstanding as to the best method for reducing carbon. at a previous meeting i attended on carbon, a Uof T professor Mrs Spence compared the 2 systems for reducing greenhouse gases (CO2 mainly) with graphics and slides.her conclusion after nearly one year of similar public forums was that the cap and trade system was too unweildly and was specifically meant for sulpher dioxide reduction with which it was successful.also she pointed out that it was complicated,took longer to implement,and easily subject to fraud and also was unproven for CO2 reduction. . . .on the other hand the carbon tax idea could be in use right away with few bureaucratic obstacles. . .so if that is the case,then canada should abandon the cap and trade and adopt the carbon tax . . ..with one proviso . . .that it should be properly explained to the canadian people prior to the next election.