2013 Sep 28: Riding Association AGMs

You are invited to attend the Toronto-Danforth Federal Green Party Association and the Green Party of Ontario’s Toronto Danforth Constituency Associations’ 2013 Annual General Meetings.
Riding Association AGMs
Saturday, 2013 September 28 at 2pm
Riverdale Library, Meeting Room, 370 Broadview Ave
(corner of Broadview and Gerrard St East)
All members, supporters and the public are welcome.
AGM agenda items:
- A recap of the success and progress made in the 2012 federal by-election
- Fundraising plans for 2013-2014
- We will be electing a new Executives at the meeting. All members are encouraged to consider standing for election to one or more of the Executive positions:
- Chief Executive Officer — Federal Association.
- Financial Agent — Federal Association.
- President — Ontario Association.
- Chief Financial Officer — Ontario Association.
- Members at Large on Executive — both Federal and Ontario.
Anyone is welcome to observe the meeting, but you need to be a member in good standing and a resident of Toronto-Danforth to vote. If you’re a lapsed member, you are welcome to renew that day to reacquire voting privileges. If you are thinking of becoming a member, you can join at the meeting.
Chris Tolley
Toronto-Danforth EDA,
Financial Agent.
— Chris Tolley on 2013 Sep 27 in Green paperclip, Participatory democracy |
Mini Minutes
We discussed the interplay between national party popularity and media exposure on the one hand and local personalities and efforts on the other hand.
The current executive of the Toronto-Danforth Federal Green Party Association (the GPC EDA) all resigned, then the following was acclaimed:
Decisions on the Toronto-Danforth Green Party of Ontario Constituency Association (the GPO CA) were delayed until closer to provincial election time.
Chris updated us on our finances and some financial priorities were set by the group.
There was wide support for more frequent community events … of the nature of guest speakers.
We planned various ways to support John Deverell in Toronto Centre.