Author archive

2007 Apr 3: Urban Agriculture and Food Security

From the Ground Up: How Viable Urban Agriculture Can Empower Citizens and Feed Them Too (Will Allen and Erika Allen, Growing Power)
Tuesday, 2007 April 3, 7 pm
Innis Town Hall, University of Toronto
2 Sussex Ave
(corner of Sussex and St. George), Free.

At this public talk Will Allen and Erika Allen from Growing Power (Milwaukee and Chicago IL), will share their experiences using urban agriculture as a tool to advance food security and to build stronger, more inclusive, sustainable communities.

The City-Builder-in Residence is a joint initiative of Ryerson University and the Metcalf Foundation. For more information about this event, please contact Pamela Robinson, School of Urban and Regional Planning, Ryerson University,, 416-979-5000 ex. 6762.

2007 Mar 24: Royal Canadian Legion Bake and Yard Sale

Cookies and old treasures… what a great way to spend your money. : )

Bake and yard sale
Saturday, 2007 March 24, 9 am
Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 10
1083 Pape Ave.
(one block south of O’connor drive)
starts with full breakfast, $5, followed by sale

Nature walk along the Don

Barbora Grochalova looking downHi, I’m Barbora Grochalova, posing as the youth coordinator on the Toronto-Danforth executive. I’m a first year student at York University’s Faculty of Environmental studies, and I can’t choose my courses for next year because there are too many things I would like to get into. My Rally for Kyoto stint is [temprorarily?] over, so I just immersed myself in another issue, fair voting systems. Check out the Fair Vote Canada website.     Read more »