Author archive

Global Day of Action on Climate Change

Saturday, 2011 December 3, 10am
Oakham Lounge, 2nd Floor, Oakham House
Ryerson University, 63 Gould St.

This event takes place half way through COP17, the 17th Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, currently taking place in Durban, South Africa, until December 9.

Speakers in Toronto include:     Read more »

Post Carbon Toronto: Transit City is Dead — Now What?

Wednesday, 2011 December 7, 7pm
Metro Hall, 55 John St.

This Meetup will focus on the future of transit in Toronto with featured speaker, Steve Munro.

Steve will cover     Read more »

2011 Nov 18: Occupied Economies: Designing Solutions to Global Problems

Friday, 2011 November 18, 4:45 pm
Design Exchange, 2nd Floor, 234 Bay St

This free event features:     Read more »

Celebrating Aboriginal people in Canada’s Boreal Forest

Thursday, 2011 November 17, 7 pm
Room 1016, Wilson Hall, New College
University of Toronto

The Canadian Boreal Initiative and the University of Toronto Forestry Faculty invite you to attend this free event and “be inspired by Aboriginal leaders sharing their personal stories of their relationship with their land and their vision for their people.”     Read more »

Toronto Art Festival: Regenerate

Toronto Art Festival: Regenerate
Saturday, 2011 November 5, 6-9 pm
Lucsculpture (663 Greenwood Ave, at Danforth)

Toronto Art Festival: RegenerateCome experience a Japanese art exhibition this weekend, featuring over 90 artists from Japan and Toronto, such as internationally celebrated artist Warabé Aska. In the aftermath of the devastating earthquake that hit Japan in March 2011, this group of artists created this exhibit to explore the theme of regeneration and examine the possibility for rebirth and growth.

The exhibit runs from November 5 to 15 and Saturday’s opening party is free and open to everyone. For more information, visit Lucsculpture.