One brave Green supports Canadians who question continued military engagement in Libya
I have never been prouder to be a Green. Bravo to Elizabeth, the only member of Parliament who refused to support the escalation of war in Libya.
I have never been prouder to be a Green. Bravo to Elizabeth, the only member of Parliament who refused to support the escalation of war in Libya.
This note was written on May 1 by Sarah Kitai, the daughter of one of our exceptional, dedicated candidates, Georgina Wilcock from Don Valley West, and reflects a lot of the feelings many of us have felt. Election battles seem to be all about soundbites and jabs and media attention. Unsatisfying results affect all parties but it is particularly hard on Greens, because what we’re fighting for is not just seats or even a political vision – we’re fighting for a Parliament that supports humanity. The stakes really are that high, and it really is true that every other party is fundamentally compromised. Georgina, wrap Sarah in your arms and tell her you will never stop fighting for her future.
So, as our 41st federal election nears its inevitable conclusion, it seems appropriate to reflect on the highs and lows of the campaign. It has certainly been a long five weeks.I’ll start with the positives. I have not yet heard a single constituent deny the existence of climate change, or dismiss the environment as an issue not worthy of our attention. While rarely discussed in the media, these are nevertheless serious concerns on the minds of most Canadians. At the door, I’ve met intelligent, upstanding citizens with an appreciation of democracy and well-informed political opinions. Read more »
Elizabeth May did get elected.
Le journal francophone L’Express a interviewé plusieurs candidats politiques qui se présentent contre des chefs de partis. Ma mère, Adriana Mugnatto-Hamu, figure entre eux.
Gagner une élection n’est jamais très facile, mais gagner une élection contre le chef d’un grand parti est encore moins facile. Imaginez ceux qui se présentent contre Stephen Harper en Alberta, combien de chances ont-ils de gagner? Peu, je vous l’accorde. À Toronto, les chefs du Parti libéral et du Nouveau Parti démocratique se présentent respectivement dans les circonscriptions d’Étobicoke-Lakeshore et Toronto-Danforth. L’Express a rencontré trois candidats qui osent jouer les troubles-fêtes dans les circonscriptions des chefs.
Just had a Portuguese language interview with Sandro Miranda of PanTV. He pointed me to a Brazilian campaign to reduce water use. I have been impressed with the creativity of public campaigns in Brazil on AIDS, abuse of women, nutrition among the poor and other areas. Brazil routinely achieves tremendous progress on the cheap. Here’s how they are reducing water use: