Archive for Elections

Thank you — you are great!

Sorry for the long delay in composing my thank you letter to everyone.

There are three reasons for this delay.  One is that I have just been busy every single second since the end of the campaign packing up the office and talking to the steady stream of supporters and well-wishers.  Second is that I am still digesting the result, which I honestly don’t understand so I’m finding hard to comment on.  And third is that the level of support has simply been so overwhelming and wonderful that I can’t begin to imagine how I would thank everyone enough.

But I do want to say what I’ve maintained ever since I joined the Green Party.  Everything about both the 2011 General Election and about this by-election reaffirms my sense that political fortunes these days have everything to do with the teamwork of the parties involved and the political spin that’s generated in the media around it.  It’s not about me, it’s about all of us working together, and I am so proud to have had such a strong, diverse and talented group of supporters.  It’s for that reason that both in 2011 and in this by-election, I would have loved to see much better results, not for me, but as a reflection of the much larger and better organized campaigns we have run.  You all deserved better in both these elections.  And we obviously need to strategize so that the effort we all put in is maximized in the future.

Thank you.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the most energetic, enthusiastic and cheerful campaign I have ever been privileged enough to be involved with.  Thank you for standing by me, thank you for supporting me, and thanks for the helpful suggestions throughout on how I could improve my debate performance and public speaking.  I have grown a lot during this campaign and we have all grown as a team.  To those who came to help from other ridings, I look forward to working together again on campaigns across the city and beyond. One day, I may be helping on your campaigns and bringing along the Toronto-Danforth team to help out.  We can all grow together, that’s part of the plan.

Green Party volunteers

The day after the 2011 general election, I was weeping into the shredder as I thought about what a disappointment this must be to my team.  This year, I celebrated our hard work on election night with some 50 supporters and walked away, not with a crushing disappointment but with a strong determination to rebuild.  I will be asking our EDA to be appointed as a community outreach organizer, and expect to call each and every one of our identified supporters, asking them for their ideas on how to grow the party and encouraging them to get involved.  Please join our team.     Read more »

Congratulations to Craig Scott and Thomas Mulcair

I have just finished watching Thomas Mulcair’s acceptance speech as the new NDP leader.  And I still have not publicly congratulated Craig Scott on his victory in Toronto-Danforth (though I did congratulate him personally by phone on election night).  Both men strike me as sincere, knowledgeable, hard-working and capable.  I wish they were in the Green Party.  I am hopeful that they will do their part to move Canada in the right direction within the NDP.

I think Jack Layton would be proud.

Together we can shake up Parliament and double the Green voice

A fresh Green voice in Parliament is the biggest change that we can hope for on election day Monday, March 19. This is the most promising message that we can deliver for Canada, for our kids and for the planet. A new Green MP, or even a strong Green turnout in Toronto-Danforth would be the biggest, boldest and most effective message that we could send to Parliament that we need fundamental change, to revitalize democracy, for forward thinking, and for real, positive, sensible solutions to the challenges we face.     Read more »

St Patrick’s Day activities

Pub crawl and sub crawl
Saturday, 2012 March 17
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Telephone town hall with Elizabeth May, Adriana Mugnatto-Hamu

Monday, 2012 March 12, 7:30pm
Call toll-free: 1-888-886-6603, then 18338#

This is a chance for people to ask questions and have them answered by Elizabeth May and Adriana Mugnatto-Hamu.  Just dial in and speak directly with Elizabeth and Adriana.

The oil pipeline to Texas:

Update: The audio recordings of all questions and answers are now online:     Read more »