Archive for Non-violence

What I learned about the basics of the Green Party

In the end I made it to the discussion on the basics of the Green Party. It’s very hard to recap all that was said, but one of the things that really stuck with me was David Chernushenko‘s notion of majority.     Read more »

2007 Apr 4: Darwin’s Nightmare — A Film Screening and Panel Discussion

Presented by Engineers Without Borders, U of T Chapter

Wednesday, 2007 April 4
7 pm screening, 8:30 pm discussion
William Doo Auditorium, 45 Willcocks St.
(New College, New Residence — Basement)
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Petition against dolphin slaughter

Magda Constans has asked that everyone sign the petition against the annual dolphin slaughter in Japan.  There is also a very disturbing video if you have the stomach for it and want to see the process to judge for yourself.


Die Politik der kanadische Greens beruht auf diesen sechs Grundsätze:     Read more »


As políticas do Partido Verde do Canadá têm por base estes seis princípios fundamentais:     Read more »