Archive for Non-violence


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Giant peace sign

We’re coming up on the four-year anniversary of the invasion of Iraq.  There will be a Canada-wide day of action on March 17.  In Toronto, there will be rally, a march, another rally, and a giant peace symbol made out of people.

Peace Rally at United States Consulate
Saturday, 2007 March 17, 1 pm
360 University Ave

(organized by the Toronto Coalition to Stop the War)

…followed by a march through downtown, and then…

Peace Rally at Nathan Phillips Square
Saturday, 2007 March 17, 3 pm
100 Queen St West

(organized by the Canadian Peace Alliance and Échec à la guerre)

…including the giant “live” peace sign.

2007 Feb 13: Protest trade in dog & cat fur

Merlin Andrew, who may be our most senior supporter at 92 years of age, invites others to join her at the following event:

Protest trade in dog and cat fur
Tuesday, 2007 February 13, noon – 1 pm
Chinese Consulate, 240 St George St

(north of St George subway between Lowther & Bernard)

From the flyer:

Greece, Italy, France, Switzerland, Belgium, Australia, and the United States have slammed the door on the gruesome trade. In November 2006, the European Commission proposed a ban on the import, export and sale of dog and cat fur in the European Union.

Unless Canada wants to become an appalling dumping ground for dog- and cat-fur products, Canadians must join the effort to halt the cruel trade here.

2006 Sep 17: Global day for Darfur

Troops are massing in Darfur for a ‘final solution’ that may dwarf the over 200,000 already murdered. Speakers at this rally will include Romeo Dallaire, Tragi Mustafa, and Justin Trudeau.

Sunday, 2006 September 17 at 2pm to 3:30pm.
Ramsden Park near the Rosedale subway station. Free.

Lots more information at the Global Day for Darfur (Toronto) website.