Archive for The six principles of the global Greens

Guaranteed livable income

Toronto-Danforth candidate Maryem Tollar outdoors in front of a colorful floral painted wall.A basic income would provide all adults with the financial security to upgrade their education, retrain for new jobs or start new businesses. In a 2017 pilot program, 4,000 Ontarians did just that. Before the pandemic, millions of Canadians already faced precarious work. After the pandemic, a guaranteed livable income will be needed more than ever to combat rising inequality.

Affordable housing

We have a housing crisis in Toronto — too many people cannot afford to have a place to live. We need to work to have 30% of all units in each building be affordable and accessible to people with special needs, fixed income and/or low income. We need inclusionary zoning — the City of Toronto adopted a 10% version — this is not enough! And we need to insist that developers allot 30% in every building.

Toronto-Danforth candidate Maryem Tollar in front of a banner reading "Community is forever".

More photos, more better

Additional photos by Rebecca Wood.

2021 Aug 28: A walk in the park

Saturday, 2021 August 28, 10 am to noon
Withrow Park, starting near the unfenced playground

Maryem and friends will be visiting Withrow Park on Saturday.

2021 Aug 25: Collecting signatures at Carrot Common

Maryem needs 100 Toronto-Danforth voters to request that she appear on the ballot. We’ll be collecting 150 just to be sure.

Come out and say hello! Come out and sign! Come out and help collect signatures!

Update: The core team has 179 signatures, and several satellite volunteers will be adding more. Signature collecting is done!