Archive for Social justice & diversity

Global uprisings are all about the end of growth

I’ve been following the “Occupy Toronto” movement that’s powered by youth and hope in a world of corruption and decadence.  I hope that it will prove to be the catalyst for the new ideas we need to take us forward.

This movement is occurring in a context.  Though many of the participants may be unaware of it, there is a fairly obvious underlying reason for the rising levels of anger.     Read more »

From the grandparents

The Toronto-based group For Our Grandchildren has produced this wonderful video:

For Our Grandchildren – Something Must Be Done from Stephen Best on Vimeo.

If the video stutters, click on the HD in the lower-right-hand corner.  Even in “low-def”, it’s quite high-definition.

Enkutatash! Melkam Addis Amet

Happy new year to all Ethiopian Canadians.  May the year now beginning be blessed with peace, justice, health and prosperity.

I was honoured to address Ethiopian Canadians yesterday at their festival in Christie Pits park.  Wonderful food, music and dancing were on offer and I stayed most of the afternoon.

Adriana Mugnatto-Hamu, Toronto-Danforth candidate, at Ethiopian New Year celebration
Crowd celebrating Ethiopian New Year at Christie Pits Park

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More action against Keystone XL pipeline

I previously wrote about Patricia Warwick, one of the “Fabulous 45” – so named because although they came to Washington expecting to face a $100 “post and forfeit” for defying the rules of the park in front of the White House, they discovered that those arrested the previous day were to be held for 3 days.  The 45 risked arrest anyway.

The actions against the Keystone XL pipeline (which would enable a vast expansion in the capacity for oil production from the tar sands) at the White House continued for another 12 days after Patricia’s arrest, with over 1200 arrests in total, including east Toronto residents Sharon Howarth, the Green Party of Canada candidate in Toronto-Danforth in the 2008 federal election and David Wilson, an oil industry retiree.  Tar Sands Action, which organized this demonstration, vows to continue working to oppose the pipeline

Sharon Howarth arrested protesting Keystone XL tar sands pipeline

David Wilson arrested protesting Keywtone XL tar sands pipeline

The action against the Keystone XL Pipeline is now moving to Canada, where activists are planning a sit-in on September 26. You can find out more and join here.

Condolences to Jack Layton’s family

Toronto-Danforth Greens extend their sympathy to Jack Layton’s family and to his NDP family and supporters.  Jack will always be remembered in this community as a tireless fighter, a passionate spokesperson, a man who loved Canada and inspired everyday heroes.