2012 Mar 17: IFAW’s Day of Action

I experienced my most aggressive interviewer today. It was kind of funny.
Toronto – Adriana Mugnatto-Hamu, Green Party of Canada candidate in the Toronto-Danforth by-election, will attend International Fund for Animal Welfare’s (IFAW) Day of Action on Dundas Square in support of an end to the commercial seal hunt in Canada.
“The Green Party is the only party speaking out on this important issue,” said Mugnatto-Hamu, who currently serves as the party’s Climate Change Critic. “Due to the increasing effects of climate change, Environment Canada is predicting another year of bad ice conditions in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and off the coast of Newfoundland, which could spell another disastrous year for both seals and local communities if the seal hunt is allowed to continue.”
Recently, the Green Party of Canada called on the Federal Government to study the feasibility of a one-time sealing industry buyout as markets for seal products have collapsed and climate change continues to devastate the sea-ice harp seals depend on to survive.
“The sealing industry has essentially collapsed, and many sealers will again be left out in the melting ice this year,” said Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party of Canada. “The Government should be engaging in a constructive dialogue with sealers and their communities to examine the potential for buying out sealing licenses and investing in economic alternatives for these hard hit communities.”
“The IFAW has done an amazing job at highlighting this serious issue,” added Mugnatto-Hamu. “I am happy to attend the rally in support of an end to the commercial seal hunt.”
— Adriana Mugnatto-Hamu on 2012 Mar 18 in Actions, Green paperclip, Non-violence, Photos, Social justice & diversity |