Where are the other leaders?

Afraid to debate Elizabeth May.

On Thursday, Elizabeth May revealed that the lawyer for the consortium of the five big broadcasters said they had excluded Elizabeth May for fear that the other leaders would boycott the debate.

Stephen Harper, Michael Ignatieff, Jack Layton and Gilles Duceppe have now refused to debate Elizabeth.  They have declined a debate from an independent broadcaster.

The good news is that Channel Zero has agreed to do an exclusive interview with Elizabeth instead.  So you can get to hear what she has to say.

Live interview with Elizabeth May
Tonight: Sunday, 2011 April 10, 8pm
CHCH TV, chch.com

This Sunday, independent broadcaster Channel Zero is giving Canadians the chance to hear Elizabeth May present the Green Party’s ideas and vision, while the big five broadcasters continue to try and silence her.

Elizabeth will be interviewed by a panel of respected journalists in a live half-hour broadcast on Sunday. The panel includes: Nick Dixon, CHCH News Anchor; Richard Brennan, National Affairs Reporter for the Toronto Star; Christina Blizzard, Political Columnist with the Toronto Sun; and Nicole Macintyre from the Hamilton Spectator.

Watch the broadcast, entitled “Elizabeth May, For the Record”.

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