I’m introducing my first postcard
I’ve been getting out and meeting constituents with my new introductory postcard hot off the presses. The reception has been great so far and it feels good to be talking to people. Here’s what the card looks like:
In the image below, you can click on each of the major points to read more details about my proposals:

I look forward to meeting you when I swing by your neighbourhood.
Here’s the text of the card, which tells a little about me and my positions on various issues:
Adriana Mugnatto-Hamu
I’m a mother of five living in Toronto-Danforth. I’ve been increasingly concerned about the climate and resource challenges my children will face.
I’m actively involved in local groups like Post Carbon Toronto, JustEarth, The Next Generation and Amnesty International. I fought the Portlands Energy Centre and the Big Box development.
The Green Party has the best policies to create green jobs, transition to a sustainable economy and support local businesses. We’re fiscally responsible and socially progressive. Join me in building a bright future for our families.
Reduce local asthma with a carbon price and give the money raised back to you
Enshrine the right to clean air and water in the Constitution
Phase out carbon emissions as science demands, through retrofits, efficiency and renewable power
Remove subsidies propping up dying industries and tar sands, and invest the savings in a local, low-energy economy
Expand income splitting to reduce taxes for families
Allow new Canadians to work in their fields by coordinating with the provinces to recognize foreign training and credentials
Eliminate poverty with a guaranteed annual income
Ban handguns and help youth avoid being drawn into crime
Ensure every vote counts by increasing voter access and implementing proportional representation
— Adriana Mugnatto-Hamu on 2009 Jun 9 in Elections, Photos |
See also Adriana’s postcard for 2010.