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Adriana on openness, incentives to cheat

Quoting Joanna Lavoie, writing in, quoting Adriana at the all-candidates meeting:

However, a number of hot-button issues did come up during the debate, notably the alleged robo-calls scandal, the questionable automated calls during the May 2011 election, and how to restore voter confidence in light of it.

Green Party candidate Adriana Mugnatto-Hamu said her party’s leader Elizabeth May is the only parliamentarian to open her budget to the public.

“I’d like to see more transparency across the board,” she said of the scandal, which she called “a serious, criminal act.”

Further, she pointed to the Greens’ support for proportional representation, adding if implemented, the robo-call scheme wouldn’t have been as effective as a much smaller percentage of the voting population would have been impacted.

A fresh batch of photos

Taken in the Autumn of 2011 by Steve Carty.

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Campaign launch party

Saturday, 2012 February 11, 6pm
393 Danforth Ave (near Chester)

By Saturday, the office will look like an office and we will celebrate the arrival of Sharon Labchuk to manage the campaign here.  Come out to see the office, meet Sharon, find out about what’s planned for the campaign and help kick the campaign off into high gear.

Update: Thanks to David Langer for this video:

Our children deserve better

Here’s Adriana at the nomination meeting where she was chosen as the Green Party candidate for the 2012 by-election:

Thanks to Andrew Casement and friends for this.

2012 Mar 19: By-election day in Toronto-Danforth [moved a week]

Update: Harper updated the original announced date.

Voting day in Toronto-Danforth will be Monday, 2012 March 19.  Of course there will be advance polls and other alternatives available before then.