Archive for Actions

All-candidates debate

Thursday, 2012 March 15, 7pm – 9pm
Don Mills United Church, 126 O’Connor Ave (at Pape)

Join us at an all-candidates debate on March 15th. This is your chance to listen to the candidates debate key issues and answer your questions. Come meet Adriana and the other candidates.

Above, video of full event courtesy of David Langer.

Below, offsets to Adriana’s bits:     Read more »

All-candidates meeting

Thursday, 2012 March 1st, 7pm-9pm
Applegrove Community Complex
(Duke of Connaught School, near Queen and Greenwood)

Please join us at Duke of Connaught for the first of two scheduled all-candidates meetings for the 2012 Toronto-Danforth federal by-election. Meet Adriana and the other candidates, ask questions, and find out more about the campaign at this all-candidates meeting.

Update: Photos from the event:     Read more »

Please help release President Nasheed of the Maldives

President Mohammed Nasheed has been ousted by a military coup and is under house arrest.  I’m taking a bit of time out of my campaign to urge everyone to help him.  Please sign this petition and then write to Prime Minister Harper, urging him to use his influence to secure the release of Mr Nasheed.

President Nasheed was the first democratically elected leader of the Maldives.  Hear why we need his voice to be free:

Stop online censorship

On Wednesday 2012 January 18, thousands of sites will go dark to protest SOPA & PIPA, two US bills racing through Congress that threaten online security and freedom of expression.

Earth Hour 2012

Saturday, 2012 March 31, 8:30pm

Support the world’s largest environmental event in 2012! Join the more than 52,00 cities and towns in 135 countries around the world that turn off their lights for one night. To find out more, visit