Archive for Elections
Think Big. Expect better. Vote Green.
We are at a crossroads in Ontario. Old line parties squabble over little fixes while the rest of the world marches boldly into the 21st century.
Ontario deserves better — a single publicly funded school system, protecting our environment, and a sane way of doing politics.
Greens are making a difference in Canada and around the world. Vote green for for your kids, your community, your Ontario.
Q&A with Rachel in the Riverdaler
Rachel was interviewed in the Riverdaler about Toronto-Danforth priorities, unemployement, balancing the budget, health care, building and funding transit, coal power, and protecting the environment. Click here to read the interview.
Candidates on the record has interviewed the major candidates in Toronto-Danforth for the 2014 provincial elections. Rachel’s answers are reproduced here: Read more »
Go Green with Rachel Power
Rachel Power is proud to be your Green Party Candidate for Toronto-Danforth.
Rachel Power is a Marketing Specialist and avid animal and environmental rights activist. Originally from Durham Region, she moved to Toronto nine years ago to further her career and broaden her horizons. She currently runs her own Communications Agency, teaches part-time at Centennial College, and volunteers for a large number of community based green initiatives and national animal rights campaigns. Her passion is, and always has been, advocating for a green and compassionate lifestyle. Read more »