Archive for News

Please help release President Nasheed of the Maldives

President Mohammed Nasheed has been ousted by a military coup and is under house arrest.  I’m taking a bit of time out of my campaign to urge everyone to help him.  Please sign this petition and then write to Prime Minister Harper, urging him to use his influence to secure the release of Mr Nasheed.

President Nasheed was the first democratically elected leader of the Maldives.  Hear why we need his voice to be free:

2012 Mar 19: By-election day in Toronto-Danforth [moved a week]

Update: Harper updated the original announced date.

Voting day in Toronto-Danforth will be Monday, 2012 March 19.  Of course there will be advance polls and other alternatives available before then.

2012 Feb 5: Choose a candidate for Toronto-Danforth federal by-election

Update: It’s Adriana.

Nomination Meeting
Sunday, 2012 February 5, 4pm

(followed by Annual General Meeting)
Riverdale branch, Toronto Public Library
(northwest corner of Broadview and Gerrard)
All are welcome.

Following the untimely passing of Jack Layton, Toronto-Danforth is not currently represented in Parliament.  This vacancy will be filled in a by-election that must be called by Prime Minister Harper before the end of February.

On February 5th, 2012, we will select both a new riding executive and our candidate for the Toronto-Danforth by-election, who will aim to double the number of Green Party representatives in Parliament.     Read more »

Latest date to announce Toronto-Danforth by-election

Update: The by-election was announced February 5, the same day we chose Adriana Mugnatto-Hamu as our candidate.  Election day will be Monday, March 19.

According to Elections Canada, the by-election in Toronto-Danforth must be called no later than 2012 February 26.

The local Green Party riding association hold their candidate nomination meeting on February 5 at 4pm at Riverdale Library, click here for all the details.     Read more »

Conference Board recommends considering a guaranteed income

The Green Party has for many years been promoting a guaranteed annual income (GAI).  It should be more economical than the hodgepodge of existing income support programmes, it will capture people who aren’t served by the current system (such as caregivers for family members who need round-the-clock support), and it addresses the dignity that every Canadian deserves.     Read more »