Water and leadership
Adriana talks about the importance of water, the environment and strong leadership on these issues.
Adriana talks about the importance of water, the environment and strong leadership on these issues.
Here’s the full public notice for the next public meeting the TTC is holding in regards to the planned Ashbridges Bay LRV storage and maintenance facility and the Leslie Street connecting track.
TTC Public Information Meeting on LRV Plans
Wednesday, 2010 July 28, 6:30 pm – 9 pm
Toronto EMS and Fire Academy, 895 Eastern Ave
From the notice: “The meeting will address impacts and mitigation measures for such issues as the removal of contaminated soil, noise and vibration levels and traffic associated with this project.”
A few days ago, I attended the meeting about the new streetcar yards at Leslie and Lakeshore and the route the new cars are expected to take. As with most public consultations these days, the format was pre-determined to minimize disruption, opposition and effective input. It’s a veneer of public accountability masking a process that’s alienating and distant. Read more »
Public Consultations into the New Streetcar Yards at Leslie/Lakeshore
Thursday, 2010 April 8, 6:30-9pm
Fire Academy, 895 Eastern Ave
On Tuesday, March 9, I was invited to help out and listen in to a meeting where Leslieville residents got together to begin forming an association. The issue that galvanized the community into action was the proposed new streetcar yards at Leslie and Lakeshore on the Ashbridges Bay Treatment Plant site. It was a packed hall and strong opinions were voiced from many angles.
The plan is to have almost 100 streetcars leave the new site every morning between 5 and 7 am and slowly spread throughout the city, way up to St. Clair, downtown to King Street, and all along Queen, College/Carlton/Gerrard, Dundas, Spadina and so on. The Connaught and Roncesvalles yards will also be maintained, though the Connaught yards will have to be changed to accommodate the new design. The streetcars will be four times the length of the current non-articulated models, or double the length of the articulated designs on the street today. Read more »
Once again the Portlands are being threatened with being used as a dumping ground for unwanted development. This time, the TTC wants to use them as yards for sleeping streetcars as they expand their fleet. Read more »