Archive for The six principles of the global Greens

Please put yourself forward

We can’t choose a candidate if we don’t have choices. Please offer yourself as a nomination contestant.     Read more »

2014 Dec 11: Choose our candidate

We look forward to having all of you join us in choosing who will represent the Toronto-Danforth Green Party     Read more »

Choose our local executive

Our AGM will precede our nomination meeting.     Read more »

Proposal: Allow notice by email, phone

At this year’s AGM, we’ll vote on any changes to our local constitution. I propose the following two amendments:

Proposed amendment 2014-1: Amend ¶11 of the constitution as follows:

11. The Executive must set the date for the nomination meeting. The Executive shall provide notice to all members of the EDA by regular mail, postmarked no later than 30 days prior to the nomination meeting.

Proposed amendment 2014-2: Amend ¶15 of the constitution as follows:

15. This constitution may be amended by a 75% vote of approval with at least 10% of the members present at a general meeting, except that no change may be considered by the meeting unless notice of the change proposed has been given to the members by regular mail postmarked at least 2 weeks prior to the date of the general meeting.

Walk the Don

“Walk the Don” is a free 2km guided tour of the rain gardens of Riverdale.     Read more »