St Patrick’s Day activities

Pub crawl and sub crawl
Saturday, 2012 March 17
10:45am – Ceili Cottage, 1301 Queen St East
Meet to flyer the crowd at the festivities. Make our way across Queen street passing out fliers to brunch goers and passersby to Broadview.
1:30pm – Campaign office, 393 Danforth at Chester
Reconvene at the office to get ourselves ready for our sub(way station) crawl.
2:00pm – Subway stations, starting at Broadview
We make our way along the Danforth from Broadview to Coxwell stations to wish people happy St. Patrick’s Day and hand out gold chocolate coins and Adriana’s materials at each subway station.
5:30pm – Gabby’s, 729 Danforth Ave, just east of Pape
Either relax and celebrate after a long parade or drop by and have a drink with us!
Looking forward to seeing you – Slainte!
— Kristen Corvers on 2012 Mar 16 in Actions, Elections, Fun, Green paperclip |