Riding association AGMs

You are invited to attend the Toronto-Danforth Federal Green Party Association and the Green Party of Ontario’s Toronto Danforth Constituency Associations’ 2011 Annual General Meetings.
Riding Association AGMs
Saturday, 2011 February 19, 3 pm (1 hour)
Ralph Thornton Centre, 765 Queen St East (east of Broadview)
Pape Library was double booked
All members, supporters and the public are welcome.
Also, Adriana’s campaign team is going to have an eat-and-meet at earlier that day. Please feel free to join us:
Campaign Team Meeting
Saturday, 2011 February 19, 1 pm
The Real Jerk, 709 Queen St E (at Broadview)
AGM agenda items:
- Adriana Mugnatto-Hamu, our federal nominated candidate, will be giving a presentation on the amazing progress she and her team of volunteers have made last year, including the Climate Change Conference 2010 and preparing for the next federal election, possibly this Spring.
- We will be electing new Executives at the meeting. All members are encouraged to consider standing for election to one or more of the Executive positions:
- Chief Executive Officer — Federal Association.
- Financial Agent — Federal Association.
- President — Ontario Association.
- Chief Financial Officer — Ontario Association.
- Members at Large on Executive — both Federal and Ontario.
Anyone is welcome to observe the meeting, but you need to be a member in good standing and a resident of Toronto-Danforth to vote. If you’re a lapsed member, you are welcome to renew that night to reacquire voting privileges. If you are thinking of becoming a member, you can join at the meeting and be eligible to vote.
Thank you,
Kristen Corvers, Chief Executive Officer
Toronto-Danforth Federal Green Party Association
— Kristen Corvers on 2011 Jan 19 in Elections, Green paperclip |