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2011 Jan 11: Environmental and Sustainability Education for all Citizens – Are We Making Progress?

Tuesday, 2011 January 11, 5 pm
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE)
252 Bloor Street West, Toronto, Room 2-211

Please RSVP to

Panel presentation and discussion:

  • Ron Ballentine, Halton DSB, STAO
  • David Bell, Learning for a Sustainable Future
  • Hilary Inwood, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
  • Catherine Mahler, Ministry of Education
  • plus potential panelist from outside formal education

Come early and visit the OISE Eco Fair: noon – 3:30 pm.     Read more »

Danforth Greens Pub Night

Monthly Danforth Greens Pub Night
Tuesday, 2011 January 25, 7 pm – 10 pm
in the “Library Room”
729 Danforth Ave, east of Pape

We won’t be meeting up in December – but please join us on the last Tuesday in January for our first pub night of 2011!

People’s Assembly on Climate Justice

Saturday, 2010 December 4, 9:30am to 5pm
Sidney Smith Hall, 100 St. George St, SS2118
(breakfast and lunch included)
For more info: People’s Assembly on Climate Justice

Join fellow community organizers, activists, groups and neighbourhood participants to discuss what we can do to achieve a stronger and more united movement for Climate Justice in Toronto.

From their announcement:

The challenge of the climate crisis can only be met with a coordinated response that will bring forth our power in numbers. It also requires that we confront the root causes of the crisis and not just the symptoms.     Read more »

Danforth Greens Pub Night

Monthly Danforth Greens Pub Night
Tuesday, 2010 November 30, 7 pm – 10 pm
in the “Library Room”
729 Danforth Ave, east of Pape

Please join us on the last Tuesday of each month.  It’ll be fun. No, really.

Danforth Greens Pub Night

Monthly Danforth Greens Pub Night
Tuesday, 2010 October 26, 7 pm – 10 pm
Gabby’s in the “Library Room”
729 Danforth Ave, east of Pape

We meet on the last Tuesday of each month.  Please join us!