Archive for Elections

2012 by-election nomination contestant: Ann Peel

Toronto-Danforth by-election nomination contestant Ann PeelAnn Peel is endorsed by Mary Ann Grainger, former CEO of the Toronto-Danforth Green Party Assn and Campaign Manager of Toronto-Danforth’s 2008 federal election campaign; and Chris Lea, former leader of the Green Party of Canada.

Dear fellow Toronto-Danforth greens,

I’m not at home. I’m away on a trip and will miss the nomination meeting, but I am most pleased there will be a contest. For the last few years I have been impressed with the hard work of Adriana Mugnatto-Hamu but I am convinced that a change would be heathy and take us to a new level. After considering the candidates I would like to endorse Ann Peel to be our next candidate.

Chris Lea, former Leader, Green Party of Canada

Ann Peel writes:     Read more »

2012 by-election nomination contestant: Adriana Mugnatto-Hamu

Adriana Mugnatto-Hamu is the Climate Change Critic for the Green Party of Canada and was the party’s local candidate for the 2011 general election. She has lived in Riverdale for 10 years with her husband Charlie and their children.  This community is her home and she will always work to make it more safe, beautiful and vibrant.

As part of a commitment to fight for a liveable world for her five children, Adriana joined the Green Party in 2005 and revitalized the riding association as the CEO.  Since then, she has been reaching out to the community, raising awareness of the climate crisis and promoting the policies necessary to address it.

As the Green Party candidate for the 2011 election, Adriana has canvassed the riding twice through.     Read more »

2012 Feb 5: Choose a candidate for Toronto-Danforth federal by-election

Update: It’s Adriana.

Nomination Meeting
Sunday, 2012 February 5, 4pm

(followed by Annual General Meeting)
Riverdale branch, Toronto Public Library
(northwest corner of Broadview and Gerrard)
All are welcome.

Following the untimely passing of Jack Layton, Toronto-Danforth is not currently represented in Parliament.  This vacancy will be filled in a by-election that must be called by Prime Minister Harper before the end of February.

On February 5th, 2012, we will select both a new riding executive and our candidate for the Toronto-Danforth by-election, who will aim to double the number of Green Party representatives in Parliament.     Read more »

Latest date to announce Toronto-Danforth by-election

Update: The by-election was announced February 5, the same day we chose Adriana Mugnatto-Hamu as our candidate.  Election day will be Monday, March 19.

According to Elections Canada, the by-election in Toronto-Danforth must be called no later than 2012 February 26.

The local Green Party riding association hold their candidate nomination meeting on February 5 at 4pm at Riverdale Library, click here for all the details.     Read more »

Durban climate negotiations update

I’ve been following the COP17 climate change conference in Durban, South Africa from right here in Riverdale.  This will be a long, rambling omnibus post on my thoughts and concerns.     Read more »