London North Centre results

Well, when the first five polls were in, Elizabeth had the lead.  Now, with a quarter of the results in, she’s in second place, trailing the Liberal candidate.  And now, with 90% of the the polls reporting, she’s still second place, but the Conservatives are close behind.  You can watch the results as they come in on the Elections Canada website.

It’s all over.  And the (rounded) results are:

Glen Pearson Liberal 35%
Elizabeth May Green 26%
Dianne Haskett Conservative 24%
Megan Walker NDP 14%
Steve Hunter PC 0%
Robert Ede Independent 0%
Will Arlow Canadian Action 0%

The rounding makes it easier to conceptualize the numbers, but it exaggerates the spread between the Green Party and the Conservatives.  It was only 1.5% (25.9% – 24.4%), not a full 2%. And of course each of the “other” parties got more than zero percent (though less than half a percent).

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