Toronto-Danforth 2008 results

Well, we beat the Conservatives and we passed the magic 10% mark at which a portion of campaign expenses are reimbursed.

Final results rounded to the nearest percent:

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Jack Layton NDP 45%
Andrew Lang Liberal 30%
Sharon Howarth Green 13%
Christina Perreault Conservative 12%

Only candidate who stayed to the end

At the risk of being petty…     Read more »

More good news…

In our section of the riding-by-riding look at the GTA in today’s Star, Sharon Howarth was cited as Jack Layton’s biggest threat. Read the whole thing here.     Read more »

Jack Layton’s empty seat

An empty chair for Jack Layton at the all-candidates debateAn empty chair represents Jack Layton, who didn’t show up at his own all-candidates debate last night.  Citytv reports on the feelings of local residents.

Jack Layton's empty seat at all-candidates debate

A front-line report

Last night I attended the all-candidates meeting held at Riverdale Collegiate.  I expected to hear a reasonable, professional debate about the issues of the day.  Instead, I was given a lesson in thug politics I’ll never forget.     Read more »