YEP PEC debate

The Young Environmental Professionals [now Connecting Environmental Professionals] are hosting a debate between the PEC‘s exceedingly polite Public Relations guy, Ted Gruetzner, and our own Greg Bonser.
YEP Debate on the Portlands Energy Centre
Tuesday, 2006 November 28, 6 pm
Duke of York Pub
39 Prince Arthur Ave
(1 block North of Bloor at the Bedford exit of St George Station)
$5, food will be provided
Greg was one of our young locals who immediately understood the problem the PEC posed. He ran in the 2003 municipal election with the Portlants power plant as his focus and with a Green Party endorsement. The Green Party of Ontario commissioned a report from Greg Allen, a local engineer who had previously worked on Deep Lake Water Cooling, the Exhibition wind turbine and many other delights. The November 2004 report proposed meeting Toronto’s rising electricity demand with Deep Lake Water Cooling expansion, anaerobic digestion of Toronto’s organic waste tied to a trigenerator at Ashbridge’s Bay, a Harbourfront windfarm and investments in energy efficiencies in community housing constructions and retrofits.
If this sounds familiar to you, that’s probably because the same ideas are repeated in the January 2006 10-point-plan that Councillor Fletcher and Peter Tabuns have been promoting. However, the plan Greg Bonser promoted did not feature a different plant built inside the Hearn. I am very much looking forward to this debate. Good luck, Greg.
— Adriana Mugnatto-Hamu on 2006 Nov 18 in Ecology & sustainability, Green paperclip, Portlands development, Shameless fawning, Videos |